School-Based Assistive Technology Services
What is Assistive Technology?
AT is "Any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability."
* Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Special education law defines assistive technology as both devices and services.
In other words... AT is ANYTHING you can make, or buy or change that will help any student with any disability to do anything. Assistive technology is used by individuals with disabilities in order to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible.

Areas that AT may help with:
Disabilities that AT may help with:

What is S.E.T.T.?
SETT stands for:
The Student - Looking at their present levels of academic and functional performance and evaluation data.
The Environment - Looking at where the student is currently and where they will make progress toward mastering the curriculum goals and objectives.
The Task - Looking at what the student's needs are within the general curriculum.
The Tools or devices - Looking at what tools, devices, or services are required for the student to make progress toward the objectives and goals.
The SETT framework is used to determine AT needs as a whole team versus one person's idea of what a student's needs are. It is a tool that helps teams gather and organize information that can be used to guide collaborative decisions about services that foster the educational success of students with disabilities. As an AT service, we can hold a SETT team meeting with your organization to further evaluate and identify student needs.
Examples of Assistive Technology:
Low-tech: Anything that doesn't need electricity
Examples: weighted vests, sensory vets, sound blocking noise-canceling headphones, alternative seating
Mid-tech: Generally inexpensive items that are easy to operate
Examples: Battery operated sensory toys, visual timers, cushions, special applications, or extensions for a Chromebook
High-tech:General digital technology
Examples: iPad, laptops, large screen devices, communication technology for non-verbal students