We provide assistive technology assistance to school-age children who have a variety of learning differences, cognitive, physical & sensory impairments.
School-Based AT Services Chester County PA, Cecil County MD, Delaware
Assistive Technology Services provides educational or school-based AT services and assistance to school teams, parents, and students locally and remotely through Zoom. Our AT Professional analyzes school age children with disabilities to fulfill their assitive technology needs and assists them in selecting and using adapted devices and equipment.

How AT Helps
Assistive Technology is one of the core strategies schools use to help students with learning and thinking differences. It is anything you can make, buy, or change that will help any student with any disability do anything. We enable students with disabilities to overcome impairments and access the general curriculum.
About the Therapist
Debra George has been a RESNA-Certified Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) for more than six years. She also has over 40 years of expertise as a Registered Occupational Therapist and over 13 years of experience as an Assistive Technology Coordinator in a large school system. Debra works with students from preschool to 12th grade and is available through Zoom for meetings and for consultations located at a distance.

Did You Know
Individualized Education Programs (IEP) teams must consider assistive technology devices and services as a special factor for the development, review, and revision of IEPs for all students with special needs as per the reauthorization of the IDEA in 1997. Regardless of the student's impairment, AT must be considered at every yearly IEP meeting for every student.
AT Consideration for All Students
AT must be offered for students with IEP's or 504 Service Agreements.